School Education Sector Plan & Roadmap 2019-2024 (SESP&R)

A master plan for SE&LD and reference point of all education activities for five years to strengthen overall school education sector holistically, with particular focus on thematic aspects of:-
| Equitable Access
| Quality & Learning
| Governance & Management



SESP&R 2019-2024

School Education Sector Plan & Roadmap 2019-2024 (SESP&R) is an outline of Sindh Government Education priority programs entailing actions and strategies aimed to enhance access, improve quality of education and make governance of the sector better, addressing key educational challenges in order to ensure educational development for provision of equitable opportunities of quality education to all the school age children across the province.

Implementation Monitoring & Tracking - SESP&R 2019-2024

Effective implementation of an endeavor/ venture depends on timely monitoring and supervision applying all possible means, preferably enhanced use of technology.

1. Ensure inclusive and equitable access to quality education through various formal and non- formal educational modalities
2. Ensure effective learning outcomes through child friendly and quality learning environments
3. Improve effective governance in the education sector through strong accountability systems, adequate resources and strong capacities at all levels, without political interference and with effective political will

Education Leader's


Syed Sardar Ali Shah

Minister for Education, Mines and Minerals

The future we envision for us is the Education where Children and Outcomes take priority with that all children complete Secondary Education and are prepared to survive in 21st Century. Government of Sindh & School Education & Literacy Department is fully committed towards quality education and it is a high-priority area for sustainable human development in the province.

Zahid Ali Abbasi

Secretary School Education & Literacy Department

The School Education Sector Plan & Roadmap for Sindh 2019-2024, a comprehensive plan for education developed with shared wisdom of development partners, civil society and Local Education Group members reflect will and wish of School Education & Literacy Department to realize constitutional obligation ensuring provision of education, one of the basic human rights to its populace.

Junaid Hameed Samo

Chief Program Manager - RSU

The School Education Sector Plan & Roadmap for Sindh 2019-2024 testify Sindh Government commitment and ownership of the subject as provincial property. The plan developed with support of Global Partnership for Education and collaboration of UNICEF, World Bank and stakeholders entail number of well-designed priority programs, strategies and activities aimed to expand access, uplift quality and strengthen governance.

SESP&R 2019-24

8 Priority Programmes

P-1: Out Of School Children & Illetrate youth

The SESP&R sets out a target of reducing the number of out of school children in Sindh by 1.8 million children in 2024. This will be achieved using a multi-pronged approach to access formal and non-formal education. At the outset, The SELD aims to classify the children enrolled in private sector schools and in Madrassah schools for appropriate residual without school participation. To this effect, an exploratory study is planned as part of this programme for the identification of the pattern of out of school children in the province: who they are, where they are, and what are the main causes for not attending school. Districts with the largest numbers of OOSC, particularly girls, will be prioritized for the implementation of interventions.
Illiterate Youth and Adults
To address the challenge of illiterate youth, this programme will expand the provision of literacy courses, especially for females. A survey will be conducted to identify the districts with the greatest concentration of illiterate youth. A curriculum for youth and adult literacy will be developed, as well as teaching and learning materials to support its implementation. Vocational and occupational training and certification, as well as life skills, will be incorporated to youth literacy programmes, to stimulate the participation of adults.

  • Goal I:
  • Equitable Access
  • A:  Increase equitable access to formal education for out of school children.
  • B:  Increase equitable access to NFE programmes & create linkages with TVET for illiterate youths.
  • No. of Major Activities 05
  • No. of Sub-Activities 24
  • Completed 08 In-Process 16 Remaining 00

P-2: Adequate and Equitable Provision of School Infrastructure

One of the reasons for students’ low retention in public schools is the insufficient provision of school facility and infrastructure for post-primary classes. A recent school profiling 2018-19 exercise conducted by RSU has identified and developed a list of non-functional as well as non-viable schools and has recommended SELD for closure. In addition, a dearth of basic facilities in many schools has also been highlighted during the mentioned exercise. Annual infrastructure operational plans based on the school profiling and needs analysis will prioritize access in under-served areas, availability of post-primary grades, and will target measures to enhance access of girls. The plans will “right-size” schools, remove redundancies from the system and also consolidate single-room schools, continuing with efforts initiated during the implementation of SESP 2014-2018.
To this effect and to further expand equitable access and ensure retention, this Plan will address implementing clustering and consolidation policies approved by SELD intending to address the issues of isolation of rural schools due to large distance and insufficient resources. Larger, hub, schools would offer facilities, pedagogic and management support to satellite schools, enhancing the possibilities of students’ retention and better learning outcomes. The hub schools will be modelled as Cluster-Based School Management for pedagogic, administrative and financial functions. Plans will be developed for the viability of up-gradation and consolidation of schools and planned construction of around 35000 new classrooms will be carried out in prioritised areas.
This program will also take in hand various infrastructure needs from ECCE to Grade 10. This includes basic facilities of water & sanitation especially in girls’ schools aligning the WASH policy and advance facilities of equipping science laboratories in post-primary schools. Progress was made in many districts during the implementation of SESP 2014-2018, which had a positive effect on enrolment and retention. This will continue as the Annual Development Plan (ADP) schemes of SELD throughout the SESP&R plan period.

  • Goal I:
  • Equitable Access
  • C: Expand the provision of school infrastructure to meet evidence-based needs and ensure a learning-friendly environment.
  • No. of Major Activities 04
  • No. of Sub-Activities 22
  • Completed 06 In-Process 14 Remaining 02
  • P-3: Equitable Enrolment and Retention

    The equity focus of the SESP&R is further enhanced through this Priority Programme which includes a range of supply-side and demand-side measures to increase equitable access and retention from ECCE to secondary education, particularly for girls and marginalized children.
    One of the achievements of the SESP 2014-2018 was the enactment of the Sindh ECCE Policy 2015. The ECCE Policy, which has been aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, focuses on the holistic development of children, including needs for protection, nutrition, healthcare and education. Its effective implementation will play a key role in developing the school readiness skills of young children, easing their transition to primary education.
    By targeting an under-served or otherwise disadvantaged population, the Programme aims at developing a strong starting basis for children who may lack adequate support at home, in terms of physical health, cognitive or emotional support. Enhancing school preparedness is also expected through Mother Support Groups to contribute to higher retention and learning outcomes from ECCE to primary education.

    • PROGRAMME 3:
    • Goal I:
    • Equitable Access
    • D. Increase equitable enrolment and retention at all levels, especially for girls and marginalized children
    • No. of Major Activities 07
    • No. of Sub-Activities 28
  • Completed 14 In-Process 14 Remaining 00
  • P-4: Teacher Recruitment, Qualifications and Professional Development

    The first strategy to improve systems for teacher recruitment, training and professional development will be the strengthening of institutional capacities of the authorities responsible for these functions. To this end, an institutional analysis of the capacities of Directorate of HR, STEDA, PITE, DCAR and TTIs will be conducted, with the purpose of assessing strengths and weaknesses of these allied institutions. The recommendations derived from this assessment will be the basis for a capacity development plan to strengthen the teacher training and professional development function of SELD. The implementation of this capacity development plan shall begin in full under this Plan period. This will include the recruitment of specialised staff with technical expertise, twining programmes with recognized institutions, etc
    The next strategy will be to devise career pathways for teachers leading to successively higher credentials. This will be initiated during the SESP&R plan period by devising a policy for professional development and implementation framework for the career pathways for teachers.
    The SESP&R sets out to implement the recently developed model of Continuous Professional Development, as a key strategy to improve teaching practices and enhance students’ learning. This will cover teachers, head-teachers and administrators. The CPD model will cover all primary and elementary schools in the province, ensuring its teachers receive in-school support. Plans for in service training will be developed through PITE on the basis of training needs assessments carried out at district level.

    • PROGRAMME 4:
    • Goal II:
    • Quality & Learning
    • E: Ensure meritorious recruitment of qualified teachers and support within well-resourced...

    • F:
      Implement policy on cluster-based Continuous Professional Development for teachers..
    • No. of Major Activities 07
    • No. of Sub-Activities 19
  • Completed 06 In-Process 12 Remaining 01
  • P-5: Quality Inputs and Processes

    Under this programme, the quality inputs on Curriculum revision linking to assessment will be targeted and strategies will be designed to improve the reporting of students’ learning. Effective assessment processes will be developed to make it possible for students to demonstrate their skills and competencies through technology enhanced assessment system.
    The curriculum for the formal and non-formal education streams will be revised as recommended in the Sindh Curriculum Act 2014 in light of the changing educational landscape including national education standards, a more balanced gender perspective, and SDG 4, among other priorities (4.1.3). SELD will also ensure that the Curriculum Implementation Framework is made an integral part of the execution strategy. Moreover, NFE curriculums for post primary levels and for skillsbased programmes still need to be developed, as well as an adult literacy curriculum, to support the expansion of NFE and literacy outlined in Priority Programme 1 (4.1.1).

    • PROGRAMME 5:
    • Goal II:
    • Quality & Learning
    • G: Improve formal and non-formal student curriculum with a focus on local needs, global trends,skills...
    • H: Improve provision of textbooks and learning materials based on the revised curriculum in appropriate languages
    • I: School specific student assessment and reporting system...
    • No. of Major Activities 05
    • No. of Sub-Activities 20
    • Completed 07 In-Process 13 Remaining 00

    P-6: Professional Educational Leadership and Management

    Besides the existing monitoring mechanism, which is used to monitor teachers’ attendance, class enrolment, and missing infrastructure facilities, a comprehensive system for monitoring of quality education imparted to the students is required. Monitoring of quality education imparted to the student will be strengthened through DG M&E office. To reinforce education quality the formative assessment system needs to be improved and teachers need to be trained for pedagogy in routine classroom and formative assessment. The objective of an improved student assessment system is to permit monitoring of learning so the province can adjust strategy where students are underachieving.

    • PROGRAMME 6:
    • Goal III:
    • Governance & Management
    • J: Establish management mechanisms to strengthen performance and accountability
    • No. of Major Activities 08
    • No. of Sub-Activities 19
    • Completed 05 In-Process 12 Remaining 02

    P-7: Improved Resource Allocation and Utilisation

    Transparency in the system contributes to accountability and shapes organisational performance. Accountability provides assurance in achieving public interest goals. This requires more efficient and accountable use of resources, improved, transparent and sustainable allocation and utilisation of the non-salary budget. As part of this effort, the SESP&R proposes to review budget management to decentralise the system and establish district-based budget management and information system with internal audit mechanisms in place. Capacity development activities will be part of this programme aiming to strengthen decentralised financial and internal audit system. The reasons for inefficient utilization of funds identified to date include:
    i. Delay in the release of funds by the Finance Department
    ii. Shortage of DDOs and inadequate capacity in procurement and financial management
    iii. Centralization of entire non-salary budget
    iv. Inadequate capacity of management to utilise funds efficiently and in a timely manner

    • PROGRAMME 7:
    • Goal III:
    • Governance & Management
    • K: Improve transparent and sustainable allocation and utilisation of non-salary budget
    • No. of Major Activities 02
    • No. of Sub-Activities 06
    • Completed 01 In-Process 03 Remaining 02

    P-8: Effective Strategic Planning and M&E

    Good Governance lays a solid foundation for the long-term development and is the cornerstone of quality education. For the successful governance system to establish, a strategic planning unit plays a central role with multifaceted functions including implementation of strategies and its monitoring. The third specific objective in the area of governance and management is to improve organisational capacity for integrated planning, data collection, analysis, monitoring and evaluation. This programme proposes to create a strategic planning and implementation unit at SELD to work as focal office for implementation of all programmes in SESP&R 2019-24.
    SESP&R 2019-2024 is an ambitious set of initiatives. It will be essential to coordinate all inputs to produce maximum leverage on the important challenges. To strengthen the coordination and alignment of all sector initiatives under government leadership this program will be fragmented into District Education Plan and will improve planning, monitoring and reporting mechanisms involving District Education Groups and Local Education Group in the province. This will be done in collaboration with development partners, by setting joint monitoring processes, as described in section 5.

    • PROGRAMME 8:
    • Goal III:
    • Governance & Management
    • L: Improve organisational capacity & resources for integrated planning including district planning, implementation and quality assurance through District Education Group, LEG, IM-SESP and Joint Education Sector Reviews
    • No. of Major Activities 03
    • No. of Sub-Activities 11
    • Completed 04 In-Process 04 Remaining 03


    The KPIs proposed for regular oversight of plan outcomes are presented

    • KPIs
    • The complete results framework is aligned with the structure and organization of the goals, programmes, and main activities that make up the strategies of SESP&R 2019-2024. It is presented in full in the Annex.
    • The KPIs proposed for regular oversight of plan outcomes are presented below: SESP&R 2019- 2024 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in full in the Annex.
    • View KPIs Table

    SESP&R 2019-24

    Major Interventions

    To Bring The Out-Of-School Children Into The Education System.

    School Management Committees

    Early Childhood Care & Education

    Sindh Early Learning Enhancement through Classroom Transformation

    Education In Emergency

    Annual School Census

    Actions to strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education

    Development through Enhanced Education Program.

    Joint Education Sector Review (JESR)

    Covid-19 Response, Recovery and Resilience in Education Project

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